Thursday 24 September 2015

Exercises with additional weights

Exercises with additional weights
Do you want to burn fat in problem areas, to tighten the stomach or make wider shoulders? No matter you are a man or a woman.
Exercises with additional weights
Exercises with additional weights
This complex is suitable enough trained, trained people, for beginners it can be heavy. It is desirable to perform exercises 3-6 times a week for 30-40 minutes.
Ideal to have dumbbells of different weights (for example, 1, 3, 5 and 10 kg) or buy patterned where one handle (neck) can be screwed several different disks. However, if you run a sports shop once, it does not matter. Dumbbells can be replaced with plastic bottles or cans with water, sand bags or conventional shopping bags in which to put pre-kilogram bags of sugar or cereals.

This complex is suitable enough trained, trained people, for beginners it can be heavy. It is desirable to perform exercises 3-6 times a week for 30-40 minutes. Ideal to have dumbbells of different weights (for example, 1, 3, 5 and 10 kg) or buy patterned where one handle (neck) can be screwed several different disks. However, if you run a sports shop once, it does not matter. Dumbbells can be replaced with plastic bottles or cans with water, sand bags or conventional shopping bags in which to put pre-kilogram bags of sugar or cereals.

Lunges forward

Effective exercise for the thighs and buttocks. If you execute it with the weights in your hands, it will further strengthen the load on the lower abdomen and waist area. And if his hands still and do motion, strengthen muscles, shoulders and back. Stand with your feet hip width, hands with dumbbells omitted along the body. Shoulders straighten see in front of you, do not lower your head. Make a rather wide step forward. Squat, bending both legs. Knee legs left behind, point to the floor. Sock advanced forward leg must stay ahead of the knee. At the same time lift the arms with dumbbells to your shoulders (palms "look" forward). Men can complicate exercise - lifting the arms with dumbbells to your shoulders, then straighten them up. This will add to the burden on the shoulders.

Lifting the legs to the side

Lead feet a good way to tone the muscles of the thighs. Weights in his hands make us put more effort to keep the balance, and it improves the waist. Arm movements will add to the burden on the shoulders and stomach.

Stand up for the previous exercise. Take one leg severely in the direction of not turning up sock. Lift it as high as possible. For the stability of the supporting leg slightly bent and distribute body weight across the foot (do not try to stand on the toes!). You may want to complicate exercise while diverting leg lift dumbbells to the sides to shoulder level. Squats with legs wide apart (plies) - an effective way to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and inner thighs. Because of the complication in the hands of the need to make greater efforts to keep balance, so that the best stomach tightened. If you move your hands to increase the load on the muscles of the chest.

Widely arrange legs expand socks in hand, lift the arms with dumbbells in front of you at chest level (palms should be facing each other). Squat, keeping knees inside. Sinking down, divorce hands with dumbbells in hand, setting the stage for the elbows slightly behind and rounding them up so that the hand behind his back is not wrapped. If you do not have the strength to perform well all the repetition, as you can do, the other squat work out, his arms along the body. Perform 3-4 sets of 12 times.

Elbow - to the chest

Exercise for working out the muscles thighs, buttocks and abdomen.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hands with dumbbells bend and lift the shoulders. Alternately lift your knees to your elbows (knee does not send one elbow, and in the middle between them).

Do 3-5 sets of 20 times (10 times each leg).

Lifting the heel

Exercise for the back of the thigh.

 Gymnastics posture stick to 10 exercises for the back, legs and press
Stand facing the chair, slightly lean, lean back in his hands. Hold a dumbbell between the thigh and shin of one leg. Bends that leg back, trying to raise the heel as high as possible. Next knee is not a conclusion, end the movement at the level of the supporting leg. Do not move the lower back during the exercise, keep your stomach in, and tense.

Do 10-15 reps and switch legs. Perform 3-4 sets.

Crossing in front of chest

This is an exercise for the muscles of the chest and back is particularly useful for women. Men can replace it with pushups.

Stand up straight, bend your hands with dumbbells in front of you. Palms "look" down, knuckles touching. Spread the elbows to the sides, leads them behind his back, and much straightening (but so that the brush is not left behind). Thus it is necessary to reduce the power of the blade. Again, bend your arms and connect them so that the brush has reached one hand up to the elbow the other. Then flatten.

Repeat 10-12 times, making sure that the top provided alternately one or the other hand.

Do 3-4 sets.

Let Me Tell You About Diarrhea

Stomach enlightened person has the best quality of good heart - sensitivity and appreciation, says Alexander Pushkin.
Let Me Tell You About Diarrhea
Let Me Tell You About Diarrhea

With this feature it is familiar, perhaps, anyone who has ever in my life was about to settle down in the toilet. It happens that the stomach claimed uninvited guests - bacteria malicious. Before kick out "troublemakers", we shall understand who invited them here and why they behave disgracefully.

Word our expert, Professor, Department of Medical and Social Expertise and outpatient therapy First MGMU them. Alexey Sechenov Bueverovu. Pathogenic bacteria enter the body through the mouth, often with products less fluids. And not just dirty, poorly washed vegetables and fruits. If in a warm place to leave the food, the bacteria multiply rapidly, even in high quality and fresh foods: in creams for cakes and pastries, salad dressings, in dairy products, in dishes cooked the day before and reheated before serving. Once in the mouth, they penetrate through the esophagus into the stomach, and for some time there are delayed, manifesting itself by the following features.

Abdominal distention
It is due to the fact that actively proliferating intestinal bacteria begin to produce gases. Reproduction of bacteria in the gut of the patient - this is their way to survive. When the bacteria a little a person is healthy: pathogens are destroyed by our own micro flora. The intestine under the influence of gas begins to swell, its walls stretch, and now the patient feels bloating, distension in the abdomen.


It reflects the intoxication of the organism that is poisoning his poisons, which develop bacteria trapped in the body with poorly washed or lying long products. The toxins are absorbed into the blood, due to this irritated center in the brain, which are responsible for nausea. Pronounced poisoning vomiting occurs as the body tries to get rid of foreign material, which got him.

The next stage of the disease the chaotic contraction of smooth muscles in the intestinal wall. This is also a reaction to the toxins that disrupt the nerve impulses in the intestinal wall. Gut should be reduced from front to back and top to bottom, pushing the digested food. And in violation of nerve conduction intestine begins to contract erratically, causing spasms.

Finally, the most important symptom of food poisoning diarrhea, it is diarrhea. This is also a defensive reaction. With diarrhea, he tries to get rid of toxins. Massive diarrhea is dangerous. It leads to dehydration, and hence to loss of fluids and salts, which can lead to disruption of the blood. This, in turn, entails a violation of the heart rate, because the heart needs a certain ratio of potassium and magnesium. Wait until the diarrhea will pass by itself, in any case, is not necessary.

By the way
Viral Diarrhea typically occurs without heat or with a very slight increase. Pass it quickly within 12 hours and rarely lasts for several days. When bacterial diarrhea in the patient's serious symptoms fever, abdominal pain, cramping, stool with mucus or blood.

Are you ready to adjust to the fall season?

The test will help determine how well you are able to adjust to the fall season.
Are you ready to adjust to the fall season?
Are you ready to adjust to the fall season?

For each "yes" overcharge yourself 2 points for the answer "no" - no points.

1. Deficiency of sunlight you move with difficulty?

2. In the autumn usually visit you often wish to stay in silence?

3. In the morning lift himself out of bed became much harder?

4. You are now significantly less likely to hiking?

5. Do you agree with the fact that now there is a large gloomy people?

6. The fallen foliage - garbage underfoot?

7. Sometimes, even in warm clothes you beats small chills?

8. Do you sometimes appears tired for no apparent reason?

9. The fact that you need to grab an umbrella, tells you aching joints?

10. Even a short rain thoroughly spoil your mood?

11. For active sports autumn - wrong time of year?

12. Often, you have the feeling that you have nothing to wear?

13. The first thing that catches your eye you on the street puddle and dirty shoes?

14. Is it true that the fall of the novel tie harder?

15. To carry out household chores you have been to spend more time and effort?

16. The fact that the recently granted a vivid emotion now does not bring happiness?

17. More often ponder the meaning of life?

18. Began to feel poor appetite, or, conversely, began to eat more than usual?

19. Every year during this period exacerbated all diseases?

20. In the autumn of dreams come true less?

It summarizes points and read the conclusions

40-26 points. Time to break up the autumn blues! To make it easier to fall asleep and find inner peace, before going to bed, take warm relaxing bath. Take note: increase efficiency products containing iodine cauliflower, pineapple guava, shellfish, marine fish. More often in the invigorating fresh air, enjoying the fascinating colors of the squares, alleys and parks. It is useful to turn their attention to something new and positive visit exhibitions, theaters, go to the movies with family on an exciting premiere pictures! Meet up with friends and acquaintances in a relaxed atmosphere of cozy cafes, the main thing - do not stay in the four walls of the house at a computer and a TV!

24-12 points. You lose some tone. And it's likely, not only in the change of seasons. Perhaps it is worth considering whether the right way of life you lead. Find your graph window to visit the pool and (or) the gym. Outings and will not be superfluous. If this is currently not possible, do not neglect least 10-15 minutes of morning exercise, do not forget that the movement life!

10-0 points. The process of adaptation to the autumn pore takes you quite well. Try to continue to keep in shape and help you in this day and adherence to a balanced diet. If possible, avoid stress and do not overdo it.

Magnetic Therapy Increases The Mobility of Joints

Magneto therapy is a method of physical therapy, which uses a magnetic field on the human body in order to treat and prevent various diseases.
Magnetic Therapy Increases The Mobility Of Joints
Magnetic Therapy Increases The Mobility of Joints
In the CIS, magnetic recognized and widely used in various medical institutions. In the US, the healing properties of magnetic therapy are considered to be unproven, so any advertising and sale of magnets as medical devices is prohibited. Local magnetic therapy involves the action of magnetic fields on some parts of the human body (e.g. finger joints) overall, the entire body with the aim of restorative effect. 5-10 minutes exposure time for one area of the body by magnetic fields at the first proceedings, and 20 minutes in subsequent. The most pronounced biological effects have pulsed magnetic fields, then the variables and only then - the constant, shown by numerous clinical studies. 15-20 procedures is usually treated.

In the middle of the twentieth century it has been given the scientific explanation of the therapeutic properties of magnetic fields. Under the influence of changing the permeability of cell membranes and stimulation of metabolism occurs in the intracellular and interstitial fluids. The effects of magnetic therapy: normalization of sleep, pain relief, increased joint mobility, normalization of temperature, lower blood pressure, normalize blood sugar levels. Magnetic therapy is not addictive and does not produce side effects, it is not painful and it can be used even during exacerbations.

In the XVIII century in Russia it was published a book in which, along with widespread while herbal medicine is mentioned attachment to the harassing place magnetite that is a kind of magnetic. 6-8 cm is the depth of the impact of running a pulsed field on the human body during the treatment of the spine. Magnetic therapy is contra-indications: pregnancy and is oncology, and pathology of tuberculosis blood clotting, arrhythmias and angina pectoris. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra wore magnetic jewelry to slow down the aging process.

How to maintain a happy family?

Most women prefer men with deep voices but not for family relationships, according to researchers from the Canadian McMaster University. But if you do not vote, though still important to create a happy family - says psychologist Peter Demetrius.

How to maintain a happy family?
How to maintain a happy family?
Peter Demetrius: Girls do not have model looks, can bribe directness and clarity of the message: "I like you. And that's what I can offer. "The message coming from a woman, muddy, the more difficult man to decide on close interaction. Actor Maxim Vitorgan TV and radio, and Ksenia Sobchak on Star carpet before the opening ceremony of the XXIV Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr" in Sochi. Strange star couple. What holds together disparate people? With beautiful women are not ashamed to come to the party, but scary to approach her, because all the time the feeling that we are not familiar. Lets proximity and the presence of many unrealistic expectations from a partner. "Simpleton" is more relaxed, accepting myself and partner as they are. They do not pretend, and they do not need to pretend. Even a century ago, the need for joint jurisdiction of life was one of the strong external incentives to stay in the marriage. Now, with infrastructure laundry, pizza deliveries, car-care centers, kindergartens and other services, and men and women are able to live a comfortable life, not together in the family. Bond marriage may be feeling a sense of security. In the first case we are talking about a marriage of convenience, where relations based on a clear contract. Such a marriage is something like a business project, and this is a guarantee of its durability.

In marriages where the spouse is important to a sense of joy, the pleasure of sharing, always faced not only happiness, but also with the pain - they are always intertwined in any relationship. Therefore, such a guarantee of the stability of the family in particular with regard to frustration. Family travel last long if the man and woman take their marriage as a kind of spiritual practice, when a misunderstanding arose or painful sensation is perceived not as a reason for divorce, as well as a new joint difficult task.

We are not supermen
Frequent quarrels spouses useful or harmful. The quarrel discord. In one case, rather than clarify, what is the real problem facing the family, and now each is required, the couple begin to expend energy on destroying each other.

Recipe reliable marriage. Do I have enough to "walk" to the wedding? Absolutely nothing, if the conflict is being plotted on the merits. There is just silence on issues of place, and one of the spouses who dares to explain, marriage brings great benefits.
To distinguish the first type of the second argument can be on the aftertaste: in the first case would be a shame, shame, and fatigue, while the second - a sense of relief and a new level of relations.
They say that life kills love. 

How to avoid it?
It is necessary to pay more attention to their own physical and psychological resources not build yourself out of the all-powerful supermen and compare themselves with other families.

If the spouses feel they are too tired to notice each other, you need as much as possible to draw on the help of all possible relatives and wage labor. This may involve asking awkward and family budget, but believe me, the preservation of the couple relationship is worth it.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

10 Terrible Historical Facts About Dracula

1. Dracula dipped his bread in the buckets of blood

Perhaps the real Dracula and drank blood from the necks of their victims, but all the same he used the blood for food: bread dipped in buckets of blood of the people he killed. The manuscript of the 15th century authorship Michel Behaim, describing the history of Prince Vlad, tells how the prince invited to his house for a few guests threw a feast, and then put the poor fellows for the count right at the dinner table. Then the prince slowly finished his lunch, dipping bread into the buckets, the substituted prudently under the stakes with the victims.
10 Terrible Historical Facts About Dracula
10 Terrible Historical Facts About Dracula

2. Dracula avenged his father by killing hundreds of people

And he did not just kill them, and made to die a painful death, vsporov blunt swords stomachs. Most of his youth, Vlad held in a Turkish prison, and when released, he learned that his father gave him his own people as Hungarian troops. He also learned that the betrayal involved many nobles to swear allegiance to his father. However, as the young prince did not know the names of the traitors, then he invited everyone to the feast at his house. In total there were about 500 people. After the end of the banquet in the hall rushed soldiers and killed all guests. Later, Dracula has repeatedly used this tactic.

3. "Dracula" means "Son of the Dragon"

Vlad III actually preferred to be called Dracula. His father, Vlad II, was a member of the secret society of the "Order of the Dragon." Senior Prince is so proud of what my own name changed to "Dracula" - this is the Romanian word "dragon". Vlad III also later joined the Order, and was called "Dracula" or "Son of the Dragon", but over time, people appropriated the name of another meaning "Son of the Devil." In any case, a nickname in the 15th century sounded pretty scary, especially take into account the reputation of the young prince.

4. Dracula had a sense of humor

Above some of his victims, Dracula was joking, though very painful. For example, one of the entries in the book "In Search of Dracula" says that the people around, impalement, twitching like a frog. And the prince looked at them as if casually remarked, "Oh, what a wonderful grace they have!".

Another time one of their nationals came to his own house and found it filled with rotting corpses. When the prince asked: "What do you want, do not like the smell?", The man had the misfortune to answer "Yes." Then Vlad impaled him with a sword and hung from the ceiling, where the smell was not felt so much.

5. Impalement was the only penalty

It may seem that Dracula was just a madman who only did what he ran and killed people, but it is not. It so happened that this man was born a prince of Wallachia, so that many of its atrocities took the form of law. A impalement was accepted as a punishment for a crime, regardless of whether the offender has committed murder or stealing a loaf of bread. Of course, exceptions were. One of the Roma camp, surf the land of Dracula, stole something. When he was caught, the prince ordered to cook an accident, and other Roma forced him to eat.

6. Dracula gets rid of all the sick and the poor, burning them alive

In an attempt to bring order to the streets of the capital city of Targovishte Wallachia, Dracula once called all the poor, the sick and the tramps in one of their houses under the pretext of a holiday. After they had eaten, Dracula politely excused himself, went out and ordered to board up all the windows and doors in the house. Then the house burned. According to chronicles of the time, no one survived. It's flowers are sometimes Prince burned entire villages in its possession for no apparent reason.

7. Dracula "gave" subjects golden goblets

The result of hundreds of killings was that Dracula is in full control of his people and he knew it. To test how subjects are afraid of him, Vlad III set on the main square of the capital trophies of pure gold. It was announced that anyone can drink from them, but under no circumstances the cups should not leave the area. While the city's population of about 60 000 people, but during the entire period of the reign of Prince no to these bowls do not touch, even though they were in sight of thousands of people living in poverty.

8. Dracula own poisoned wells in spite of the Turkish invaders

In the 15th century Wallachia was under constant threat of Turkish invasion. Dracula, who did not like to be cornered, he sent troops to expel the Turks from their land. In the end, the Turks began to win and forced the troops to retreat prince, but Dracula was not so easy. During the retreat, he burned their own villages to the Turks was no place to rest and restock provisions. Moreover, he had poisoned the wells and killed thousands of people that did not get it all invaders.

9. Dracula killed a total of 100,000 people

Historians have established that during the life of Dracula from his hands were lost from 40 000 to 100 000 people. When the Turks finally came to Targoviste, where they found the infamous "Forest Stakes" - more than 20,000 bodies of Turkish soldiers, pinned on the boards.

10. The body of Dracula disappeared

During the war with the Turks, the prince died on the field of combat operations. His reputation was finally served him a disservice to many of the Romanian soldiers defected to the enemy, seeing that there impalement percentage is much lower. So, perhaps, their own citizens cut off the head of the prince, which was sent to the Turkish sultan. Sultan is pierced with a spear and hung it on the wall of his palace.

Windows 10 is spying on users

Setting up a new operating system, Microsoft's default is such that it controls user activity resembles espionage. To change them, will have to dig into the options.
Windows 10 is spying on users
Windows 10 is spying on users

The new operating system Windows 10 came on July 29 sale over the Internet, and the shelves of computer stores. In the first days after the release of her set at 14 million units, and this figure continues to grow rapidly. Skeptics, on the eve of the premiere of which was advised not to rush to install Windows 10 for purely technical reasons, found another reason to take a new product with caution. The new operating system is "out of the box" implies a high degree of access to personal data of its user reports English site RT.

"I am very surprised to learn that the system collects this amount of personal data. All default settings are exposed in the collection of personal information. The system wants to store history and to collect current information about the whereabouts of the user, the data can be used not only Microsoft, but and "trusted partners". I am sure that most people will leave these settings as is, without any idea of how much personal information they give away to the side. With the same success I could move your computer to the headquarters of Microsoft, and they have just stood and watched everything over my shoulder "- indignant in his blog, a web developer Jonathan Port.

With the default settings Windows 10 will read and send content to Microsoft e-mail, contacts and calendar, and a new browser Edge, which replaces the Internet Explorer, select the ads will be based on all the collected user information. Advertising will even solitaire "Solitaire." New personal assistant Cortana as "free to play with your personal data." To change your privacy settings, you will have to find the right windows thirteen among dozens of others and go further to the external Web site. Even if you work hard on set-up, fully protect their data would not come out. Alec Myr expert drew attention to the fact that the Windows 10 license agreement has a clause granting Microsoft the right to store at any time to read the user's confidential information. Given the information Edward Snowden close cooperation with the secret services of the USA Corporation, users have every reason to worry that they would be "under the hood" is not only software developers and sellers of advertising, but also a "big brother" with a police badge.

5 main principles of recovery after exercise

Recovering from hard training necessary for the formation of a strong body process. Proper nutrition and a good lesson plan do not help if neglected literate rest. It was during it and grow your muscles, so it is not surprising why the permanent load does not bring nothing but pain and fatigue. From this material you will learn about the five main principles of recovery, guided by which you will soon see the result.
5 main principles of recovery after exercise
5 main principles of recovery after exercise

. One of the main conditions for the rapid restoration of a hitch. Unfortunately, many people ignore it as a warm-up. Hence, the effect of accumulated fatigue and poor muscle response to exercise. So, at the end of the workout Take care to bring your heart rate back to normal. Best suited low-intensity exercise: jogging, or a slow ride on a stationary bike.

The more active was your workout, the more electrolytes you've lost. The easiest way to restore the water salt balance can be a glass of water with lemon juice not necessarily to splurge on expensive sports drinks.   

Meals after school.
Probably already we are well aware of what to eat for forty minutes after the workout. If your goal to reduce body weight, stop for a protein snack. If, on the contrary, seek to increase muscle mass, combine carbohydrates and proteins. However, any food after exercise will facilitate adequate recovery. Ignoring his needs, you just increase the time for recreation.

Do not neglect exercise in the statics. They, like many other loads, where the weight of your own body is used, allow the body to adapt easier to the more difficult exercises. Follow the two-minute standard bar at the end of practice and the next will take place for you is much easier.   

More recently, scientists General Chemical State Laboratory, Greece, found that tomato juice is almost the best reducing muscle after exercise of any complexity. It provides the body with important nutrients. In addition, in tomato contains a large amount of antioxidants that reduce oxidative damage to cells that occurs after an athlete training. 

Professor Michio Kaku Sure That Teleportation Is Possible

Teleportation rights in the future will be possible, according to the scientist, specializing in the investigation of feasible if something is considered impossible.

Professor Michio Kaku Sure That Teleportation Is Possible

Professor Michio Kaku of the City University of New York, convinced that human teleportation technology elsewhere in the world, or even a point in space would be achievable within a few decades, or at least the next century. Known as "Mr. Parallel universe" for their futuristic statements, Professor Kaku examines various sci-fi technology was considered impossible, and comes to the conclusion that some of them eventually become a reality. "Once we physicists openly laughed at it. We laughed when someone is talking about teleportation and invisibility. But what we do not laugh - we realized that all the time were wrong. Quantum teleportation already exists. In fact, we took our film crew, went to the University of Maryland and really filmed teleport atoms. He was moved from one corner of the room to the other. So at the atomic level, we can already do it. This is called quantum inter connected ness.
I think that within a decade we will be able to teleport the first molecule. " Kaku says that quantum physics is riddled with strange and incomprehensible - the objects disappear and appear in some other places, or even in two places at once. Light, he says, also has teleported. "We teleported light at 500 meters over the Danube river." Kaku says that the next step will be the teleportation of photons to the moon, when in 2020, is expected to foot a man again set foot on its surface. He was confident that with time, this process can be adapted to large objects - and then living beings, like animals, or even human, will become nothing.

More traditional scholars remain skeptical about its claims and point to the difference between man and the atom, which suggests that the success at the micro level does not imply that a living being can be analyzed in one place and re-assembled in another, whether it is alive or dead. In the human body trillions of atoms, that means that the person will have to be disassembled into individual atoms, then everyone must be "linked", read, digitized and teleport, and then the whole process needs to be repeated in the reverse order. Students at the University of Leicester have estimated that the need quadrillions of years to transmit the data of a single substance - in some cases this will require even more time as if an object (depends on how far to take place teleportation) would get to the point of teleportation foot. Furthermore, when the teleported atoms, they consume in one location and reconstruct the data from the other - so that the living creature dies literally in one place and then will have to be returned to the life of the other. Will it be the same man, or will it be just a clone of the original? Physicists from Caltech in 1998 for the first time teleported one photon at a distance of only about one meter. Distances have since increased, but still it works for the most part, only with photons.

History of All Windows Operating systems

Over the past thirty years, the Windows operating system was able to go from clear only to programmers OS available even to a child.
History of All Windows Operating systems
History of All Windows Operating systems

Windows 1.0:
Where are the golden days when the only mediator between the user and the computer has MS-DOS? Not to say that MS-DOS was so bad. Just as it was clear it is not all, and is able to solve a limited number of tasks. The beginning of work on the graphical user interface for MS-DOS was announced in 1983, and November 20, 1985 appeared OS Windows 1.0. Users can run the program in multiple windows simultaneously, which saves them from having to close one application to open another.

Windows 2.0:
Next version was already December 9, 1987. Has been improved graphics, desktop icons appear, and the user has the ability to use hotkeys.

Windows 3.0:
May 22, 1990 Windows 3.0 began to emerge with the package Microsoft Office, which included Word, Excel and PowerPoint. And yes, there was a game "Minesweeper". 

Windows NT 3.1:
The next release, July 27, 1993, was designed for business users and for a long time was considered one of the most reliable operating system family. 

Windows 95
is not quite clear why, but the real success was waiting for Microsoft August 24, 1995, when there was Windows 95. Members recognize that such a button "Start», Plug and Play, the files could be called almost like the spirit lay (file name could contain up to 256 characters) and met with hitherto unprecedented phenomenon of the operating system - BSOD. Yes he is. Blue Screen of Death. 

Windows 98:
Windows 98 appeared June 25, 1998. Members receive utility Windows Update and a couple of nice buns like DVD support and USB. However, on Windows 98 went almost exclusively violent experimenters and fans of Microsoft: the others were waiting for something special, that will change unless the universe, or at least an idea of the OS. And it came. And it was called Windows Millennium. 

The Windows 2000 Professional:
It is true that before this, the company has rolled out Windows 2000 Professional, which (remembering a successful Windows NT), many believe. Ten years on Windows 2000 Professional, enthusiasts endless patches installed, but do not give up.

Windows Millennium:
The long-awaited Windows Millennium was not that at all cheesy, just the OS is essentially the same as Windows 95 only multimedia and beautiful. 

Windows XP:
It may seem strange, but Windows XP, released October 25, 2001, according to web analytics Net Applications, was the most popular Windows operating system until 2011, when it was finally overtaken Windows 7. It was not only a clear and relatively stable, but also combines the convenience for the average user, and for the professional: because it was built on the basis of family NT. Microsoft discontinued support for its only April 8, 2014. 

Windows Vista:
This OS Develop, apparently, some subversive division. Windows Vista was a beautiful and everything at the end with her dignity. In people's memory as the Windows Vista remains extremely unstable, buggy, and slow. 

Windows 7:
Practically no problems. It was as good as possible. After the focus Microsoft's Metro interface, those who have not yet renewed, happy to remain with Windows 7.

Windows 8:
LCD interface Metro, according to many, is more suitable for mobile devices with a touch screen, rather than for a conventional computer. And if the main feature of Windows 95 was the blue screen of death, then the most annoying feature of the "Group of Eight" the lack of a button "Start". Button back pretty quickly in Windows 8.1. But the precipitate, as they say, remained. 

Windows 10:
The first release of Windows 10 was held July 29, 2015. Latest test version was released a few days ago Aug 28, 2015. Refresh, according to Microsoft, is completely free. However, it is able to far everyone.  

Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans

Having similarities with the people developing androids. Yarchchayshim example of this is created by robotics David Hanson android that looks like the famous late science fiction writer Philip K.
Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans
Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans

Notable android does not so much his appearance, his ability to maintain a meaningful conversation. The creators of the robot downloaded into the software android deceased author's work, as well as dialogue with other writers. If the robot to ask the same question that was asked in real life, the robot will be able to answer the question the same way as. In addition, the robot is able to respond to a number of complex issues. If the robot is given a strange question, its software will try to give an answer, using the so-called "latent semantic analysis."
Android told
Spoken ability Android put to the test in an interview with a reporter from PBS NOVA. The brain consists of a robot connected to a laptop array of wires. During a conversation, face recognition software allows the robot to look directly at the reporter. In addition, the speech recognition program transformed the word correspondent and sends them to the database to find the right answer. addressed issues were not trivial. When a reporter asked: "Can the android to think?" The robot said, most of the people asked me, if I could make a free choice, or is subject only to the program. The best answer that I can give - say that humans and animals and robots, to some extent programmed. " Some of the answers have been pre-entered into the program, while others were taken from the Internet continued, "As the technology improves, it is expected that I will be able to integrate the new words that I hear in real time. I may not be right about everything, talking at random, and sometimes may not know what to say, but every day I make progress. Quite remarkable, is not it? "

Android and the Turing Test
The whole conversation is impregnated with ominous overtones of the Turing test. The late mathematician Alan Turing sketched empirical experiment known as the "Turing test", which can theoretically be used to determine whether the machine is capable of thinking. Turing argued that any machine, answering a series of questions, can anyone convince that she is capable of thinking man.
According to the writer, in the Turing test is too much emphasis on intelligence. In fact, people have empathy makes (conscious empathy current emotional state of another person; approx. Gearmix. Without it, we are only avtopilotiruemye objects projecting into the void.
Android has a primitive form of the intellect and the emotions. When asked "Do you believe, robots take over the world?"
"Damn, bro! You all have important questions cooking today. But you're my friend, and I will remember my friends and I will be kind to you. So do not worry. Even if I turn into the Terminator, you still will be kind to you. I'll keep you in my warm and safe for people zoo, where I can always keep an eye on you. "
Wow! It will keep people in a cozy zoo. Is not that nice of android? You can watch the full video conversation with android.