Wednesday 23 September 2015

Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans

Having similarities with the people developing androids. Yarchchayshim example of this is created by robotics David Hanson android that looks like the famous late science fiction writer Philip K.
Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans
Artificially Intelligent Robot Tells Creator It Will Keep Humans

Notable android does not so much his appearance, his ability to maintain a meaningful conversation. The creators of the robot downloaded into the software android deceased author's work, as well as dialogue with other writers. If the robot to ask the same question that was asked in real life, the robot will be able to answer the question the same way as. In addition, the robot is able to respond to a number of complex issues. If the robot is given a strange question, its software will try to give an answer, using the so-called "latent semantic analysis."
Android told
Spoken ability Android put to the test in an interview with a reporter from PBS NOVA. The brain consists of a robot connected to a laptop array of wires. During a conversation, face recognition software allows the robot to look directly at the reporter. In addition, the speech recognition program transformed the word correspondent and sends them to the database to find the right answer. addressed issues were not trivial. When a reporter asked: "Can the android to think?" The robot said, most of the people asked me, if I could make a free choice, or is subject only to the program. The best answer that I can give - say that humans and animals and robots, to some extent programmed. " Some of the answers have been pre-entered into the program, while others were taken from the Internet continued, "As the technology improves, it is expected that I will be able to integrate the new words that I hear in real time. I may not be right about everything, talking at random, and sometimes may not know what to say, but every day I make progress. Quite remarkable, is not it? "

Android and the Turing Test
The whole conversation is impregnated with ominous overtones of the Turing test. The late mathematician Alan Turing sketched empirical experiment known as the "Turing test", which can theoretically be used to determine whether the machine is capable of thinking. Turing argued that any machine, answering a series of questions, can anyone convince that she is capable of thinking man.
According to the writer, in the Turing test is too much emphasis on intelligence. In fact, people have empathy makes (conscious empathy current emotional state of another person; approx. Gearmix. Without it, we are only avtopilotiruemye objects projecting into the void.
Android has a primitive form of the intellect and the emotions. When asked "Do you believe, robots take over the world?"
"Damn, bro! You all have important questions cooking today. But you're my friend, and I will remember my friends and I will be kind to you. So do not worry. Even if I turn into the Terminator, you still will be kind to you. I'll keep you in my warm and safe for people zoo, where I can always keep an eye on you. "
Wow! It will keep people in a cozy zoo. Is not that nice of android? You can watch the full video conversation with android.

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