Thursday 24 September 2015

Let Me Tell You About Diarrhea

Stomach enlightened person has the best quality of good heart - sensitivity and appreciation, says Alexander Pushkin.
Let Me Tell You About Diarrhea
Let Me Tell You About Diarrhea

With this feature it is familiar, perhaps, anyone who has ever in my life was about to settle down in the toilet. It happens that the stomach claimed uninvited guests - bacteria malicious. Before kick out "troublemakers", we shall understand who invited them here and why they behave disgracefully.

Word our expert, Professor, Department of Medical and Social Expertise and outpatient therapy First MGMU them. Alexey Sechenov Bueverovu. Pathogenic bacteria enter the body through the mouth, often with products less fluids. And not just dirty, poorly washed vegetables and fruits. If in a warm place to leave the food, the bacteria multiply rapidly, even in high quality and fresh foods: in creams for cakes and pastries, salad dressings, in dairy products, in dishes cooked the day before and reheated before serving. Once in the mouth, they penetrate through the esophagus into the stomach, and for some time there are delayed, manifesting itself by the following features.

Abdominal distention
It is due to the fact that actively proliferating intestinal bacteria begin to produce gases. Reproduction of bacteria in the gut of the patient - this is their way to survive. When the bacteria a little a person is healthy: pathogens are destroyed by our own micro flora. The intestine under the influence of gas begins to swell, its walls stretch, and now the patient feels bloating, distension in the abdomen.


It reflects the intoxication of the organism that is poisoning his poisons, which develop bacteria trapped in the body with poorly washed or lying long products. The toxins are absorbed into the blood, due to this irritated center in the brain, which are responsible for nausea. Pronounced poisoning vomiting occurs as the body tries to get rid of foreign material, which got him.

The next stage of the disease the chaotic contraction of smooth muscles in the intestinal wall. This is also a reaction to the toxins that disrupt the nerve impulses in the intestinal wall. Gut should be reduced from front to back and top to bottom, pushing the digested food. And in violation of nerve conduction intestine begins to contract erratically, causing spasms.

Finally, the most important symptom of food poisoning diarrhea, it is diarrhea. This is also a defensive reaction. With diarrhea, he tries to get rid of toxins. Massive diarrhea is dangerous. It leads to dehydration, and hence to loss of fluids and salts, which can lead to disruption of the blood. This, in turn, entails a violation of the heart rate, because the heart needs a certain ratio of potassium and magnesium. Wait until the diarrhea will pass by itself, in any case, is not necessary.

By the way
Viral Diarrhea typically occurs without heat or with a very slight increase. Pass it quickly within 12 hours and rarely lasts for several days. When bacterial diarrhea in the patient's serious symptoms fever, abdominal pain, cramping, stool with mucus or blood.

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